Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Host pgs. 1-48 (48 pgs.)

Wanderer wakes up in her new host body, Melanie. She begins to try and erase the past memories of her host body. The body's memory begins with running from the seekers. Melanie's near death was caused by her running away from the seekers. Melanie refuses to give her body over to Wanderer. It is unusual for the consciencous of the host body to linger for so long. While Wanderer sees Melanie's memory a image appears. The image is a man, and Wanderer can't take her eyes off of him.
Wanderer overhears a conversation between Ford Deep Waters and the seeker. The discussion is more of an argument, and we learn that Wanderer was chosen to be implanted in Melanie because of her rebellious behavior. Wanderer still tries to tap Melanie's brain, but she can't. She believes that she has been put in a damaged host. She becomes frustrated.
When Wanderer explains to the seeker that she can't tap Melanie's mind he explains that Melanie is simply resisting control.
A memory of Melanie's shows her raiding a house for supplies for her and her younger brother, Jamie. She then runs into a man.. they both believe eachother to be a "body snatcher" until he realizes she is human and kisses her. She panics, kneeing him to get away. He then throws a rock at her. He proves to Melanie that he's a human as well, and decides they should stay together. Wanderer wakes up from the memory and gives the information to the seeker.
So far in this book I am very confused. There are a lot of flash backs and memories being described. I feel like I'm on Melanie's side in the situation. I wouldn't want someone being able to control me...and erase my soul. I think it's awful that someone or something would be able to see Melanie's inner thoughts, feelings, and memories. Our minds are really the only private components we have as a human.

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