Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite Website!! This is a link to the website of a very well known fashion magazine. The website is divided into sections: Runway, Fashion, Hair & Beauty, Life & Love, Accessories, Shopping, Astrology, and Food. Each section provides information on that specific topic. My favorite is Fashion. This website keeps me updated on day to day style changes. I think it would be really cool to work for a magazine like this one someday.


  1. Some great logs here, SC. Nice detail. I'd really like to see maybe less summary, if anything, and a little more reflection at the end of each reading log. What do you like/ not like about each section, etc.

    A page counter would be helpful for me so that I don't have to do too much math in my head. It's easy for this first bunch of logs, but it will get tougher for me to keep track as we move along.

    Also, be sure you aren't reading books for this class that you have read before . . is this your first time through Twilight?

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Oh, right, and I'd also love to see a little more personal expression here, as well--the fashion mag post was interesting to me. Any other fashion blogs you follow? I love The Sartorialist. It's just pictures, but they're from life, just stuff the guy sees on the streets. There are lots of good ones out there.
